Networking Event FAQ

Need Additional Assistance?

If your question is not answered below, please contact BPS.


We have two calls each year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall. Plan for your event to be at least three months after the proposal deadline, so that there is time for the events to be reviewed, and for us to provide publicity for your event if it is chosen.
After your event, you are required to send in the Post Event form along with the required files and documentations and we will provide you with a reimbursement of up to $500 for meeting costs.
Networking Events have occurred all over the world and in many different formats. Some follow a poster session and plenary talk format. Other events encourage friendly competition, like a trivia night. The format is up to you! If you have a fun or creative idea for a gathering of biophysicists and students, we encourage you to apply. Please review the criteria and submission information and let us know if you have any other questions.
Underserved areas are locations where BPS doesn’t have an upcoming meeting, and where there aren’t other regular meetings that have biophysicists as a main audience.
Networking Events are eligible for funding for a maximum of 3 years each.
Yes, you must be a member at the time of application in order to receive funding.
BPS will help you advertise your event through the various channels such as the website, Member Update, and email (based upon schedule availability).