Get Out of the Lab: Volunteer at Your Local Science Fair

Did you give your first science talk at a school science fair?  For many students, this is a rite of passage in their STEM education.  For some, it is exhilarating, and may just be the first step to pursuing a career in science.

One of the aspects of these fairs that make them successful, is the involvement of experienced scientists (that includes graduate students) that come, judge the posters, and offer advice.  The presence of “real live” scientists is also important in providing role models to these students. 

Part of the Biophysical Society’s mission is to educate…and that is why the Society sponsors awards at regional and state science fairs. This growing initiative, started in 2009, promotes the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and math in schools, and raises awareness about biophysics at the high school level.  It also gives you, our members a chance to serve as role models and give back to the community! 


Interested in Volunteering? Do you know about any other fairs that you would BPS to sponsor?

Fill out a quick survey to let us know about a science fair where you’d like BPS to sponsor an award, and/or where you would like to volunteer to be a judge!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]