While the U.S. remains the leader in funding biomedical research, the international science landscape has shifted rapidly. According to the 2018 Science and Engineering Indicators report published by the U.S. National Science Foundation, China has eclipsed the U.S. in research output for the first time. While traditional science leading countries like the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden are still scientifically productive, their governments’ funding of research has flattened. Increasingly, these countries are relying on the private sector to make up any gaps in research and development investments. However, there is no real substitute for government funded basic research.
In this changing global environment, it is more important than ever for BPS to take advantage of its global membership to call attention to exciting developments and pressing challenges the research community is facing around the world. Will you help us call attention to some of these challenges?
Opinion Piece Program
Opinion pieces or letters to the editor (LTEs) allow the Society and its members the ability to build local awareness of their research activities or policy priorities or to simply call attention to pressing societal issue. At 600-800 word, these concise articles allow members to communicate their personal backgrounds, their research and scientific work, and call attention a press issue affecting their country or region, in their own words. Pieces can be placed in media outlets around the world.
BPS staff is here to provide the support you need to get your piece published. We are happy to provide you with templates, help you brainstorm an idea, review your draft, and help contact media outlets to pitch your piece.
Sign up for the program and view our author tip sheet.
Contribute to the BPS Blog or Newsletter
Our international membership is craving content that is relevant to them. Interested in highlighting science policy in your country or an exciting research development in your region that is not getting much attention in the US? Writing a post for the BPS blog or monthly newsletter can be an excellent way to contribute, without committing to an opinion piece.

Biophysics Week was started in 2016 to celebrate and raise awareness of our field. Last year, there were over 68 events held to highlight biophysics around the world!
Interested in hosting an event to highlight Biophysics during the week? Here are some ideas:
- Host a Guest Lecturer
- Set up an Awareness Table at your local school highlighting your major and/or department
- Plan a local meet-up of biophysicists
- Schedule a lunch seminar showcasing student research in biophysics
- Teach a lesson on biophysics to a local high school class
- Conduct a lab tour or a tour to show off your school’s major facilities
- If you have a related event already planned during this week, please consider making it a part of the Biophysics Week instead.
The Society is here to help you plan a successful event. Please submit your event idea here.
Visit your Legislative or Funding Agency
Petitioning your government is a powerful way to advocate for your science. The Society is happy to share pictures or a recap of your visit to your government.