September 19-23 is National Postdoc Appreciation Week. Since 2009, the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) has sponsored this annual celebration to recognize the significant contributions that postdoctoral scholars make to research and scientific discovery. Check out the NPA website to view the virtual and in-person events being held this week.
This week, BPS will be highlighting postdoc members on the blog. Today, read about Veronica Loyo-Celis, Ohio State University.

What is your current position?
Postdoctoral fellowship at Ohio State University in The Singh Lab (Intracellular Ion Channels).
Please share a brief description of your research:
In the Singh laboratory, I am concentrating on the role of Chloride Intracellular Ion Channels (CLICs) in cardiovascular function. I have focused on the biophysical properties of CLICs.
What are a few potential applications of your research?
CLICs are known to play a key role in cancer progression, pulmonary arterial hypertension, hearing, angiogenesis, and cardioprotection. Determining the biophysical and regulatory mechanism of CLICs will allow us to identify novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of diseases.
How might your research be relevant to those who are not working in your specific field?
Chloride homeostasis is largely ignored in physiology. Cl channels and associated pathologies are reported frequently by researchers across the globe. My research will lay a key foundation for the translational aspect of the Cl channel and project them a novel target for therapeutic intervention.
What is your favorite thing about biophysics?
That is an integral discipline, at the beginning looks like a hard science but by deciphering the biophysical role of molecules involved in disease-like proteins we can transit towards a physiological scenario that in turn has a vast social impact.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like biking, swimming, running, and grabbing a coffee: espresso, American, latte, Turkish, frappe, or de la olla (Hispanic version) all styles are welcome.
Do you have a website where our readers can view your recent research and follow your career? Or want to share professional social media handles?