There will be plenty of opportunities for meeting attendees to connect with Biophysical Journal at the 2015 Annual Meeting!

Publishing is so critical to advancing research and at the BPS meeting in Baltimore discussions about publishing science will be as frequent as discussions about conducting studies. Whether a student, early career investigator, or a senior scientist, there are opportunities at the meeting to advance your knowledge of science publishing in general and publishing in Biophysical Journal in particular.
To start off, all registrants have a copy of Biophysical Journal Best of 2014, which includes a sampling of articles from the last 12 months that represent the different BJ Sections as well as articles that were popular with the journal readership.
Throughout the meeting, there are eight opportunities for you to attend “Coffee with the Editors” (see schedule below). This is a unique chance to speak one-on-one with members of the BJ Editorial Board who are not only accomplished scientists, but have extensive experience and knowledge of publishing science. If you have some work you are thinking about writing up; if you want to know what Biophysical Journal looks for in submissions; if you want a better understanding of the peer review process; if you need help understanding the submission options available to you; if you want to know why you should publish in BJ, stop by for coffee and conversation.
On Monday, February 9, the Publications Committee is sponsoring a session “How to Get Your Scientific Paper Published.” A panel of scientists and experienced publishing professionals will discuss dos and don’ts of writing and submitting research papers for publication, how to respond to peer reviews, and other practical topics. Questions are encouraged and no question is too small or too complex. Remove the mystery from the publishing process and go straight to the experts! On Tuesday, February 10, the winner of the Biophysical Journal Best Paper Award will be giving a short presentation at the Awards Symposium. Come hear the winning work of Hervé Turlier. And remember, you have to submit to win!
Stop by the Exhibit Hall to chat with our publishing partner Cell Press in booth 535. Talk journals and pick up a copy of the special BJ review article by Michael Edidin that celebrates “The Year of Light.” Entitled “Light and Life in Baltimore—and Beyond,” the review offers a fascinating view of the development of live cell quantitative microscopy, with a particular focus on the history of FRAP.
Also on Tuesday, visit the Cell Press booth between 3:00 and 4:00 PM to talk with Ed Egelman who will be discussing his plans for an upcoming special issue of Biophysical Journal on Electron Microscopy.
Don’t be shy…if you see someone at the meeting with a teal colored Editorial Board or Associate Editor ribbon, introduce yourself and learn what exciting things are happening at Biophysical Journal. And if you are in the area of the BPS booth, stop by and meet Biophysical Journal staff members Molly Seligman and Beth Staehle who will be happy to answer questions about the journal or just say hello.
Coffee with the Editors Schedule
Bring your questions, comments, and ideas to a discussion with members of the Biophysical Journal Editorial Board.
Sunday, February 8
1:45 pm–2:15 pm Membranes
2:15 pm–2:45 pm Molecular Machines, Motors & Nanoscale Biophysics
2:45 pm–3:15 pm Biophysical Reviews
3:15 pm–3:45 pm Mixed Sections Monday, February 9
10:15 am–10:45 am Proteins and Nucleic Acids Membranes
2:15 pm–2:45 pm Cell Biophysics
Tuesday, February 10
10:15 am–10:45 am Channels and Transporters
3:15 pm–3:45 pm Systems Biophysics