Trieste Information



The average daily temperature in October is ranges from the  mid-50°F to the mid-60°F (approximately 13-18°C). Check the current local forecast here.



The official currency in Italy is the Euro. Click here for currency conversion.

Credit cards are widely accepted, however, they are not accepted everywhere. Carrying some cash is recommended, especially in restaurants and smaller stores.  ATMs are the easiest way to withdraw cash from your home account. Be sure to inform your bank before traveling abroad and be aware that you may be charged for cash withdrawals.  It is advisable to exchange some cash before traveling to Italy. 



The power supply in Trieste is 230 volts at 50 Hertz. Sockets accept two-round-pin style plugs. If you travel with a device that does not accept 230 volts at 50 Hertz, you will need to bring a voltage converter with you.  You may also need a 2-prong (Type C) plug adapter if your appliance's plug has a different shape.



Trieste is the regional capital of Italy's north-easternmost region, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia, which borders Austria, Slovenia, and the Adriatic Sea. Trieste is a vibrant cosmopolitan city and a melting pot of language, people, and culture characteristic of its combination of Central European and Mediterranean influences. Experience the city's charm for yourself: 

  • Take a break at one of Trieste's numerous and beautiful literary cafes. These time-honored coffee houses have a retro charm, and were once the haunt of great novelists, such as James Joyce and Italo Svevo.
  • Visit the heart of the city, where you will find its most marvelous and symbolic square, the Piazza Unita d'Italia. Then take a leisurely stroll on the Molo Audace, a pier that will take you over 200 meters out to sea!
  • Experience the Bora! The Bora is a wind that intermittently blows in a north-easterly direction from the mountains into the Gulf of Trieste in gusts that can be quite strong. Writers and poets have dedicated verses to this wind, which is said to be the spirit of Trieste.
Top Attractions in Trieste:
  • Piazza Unita d'Italia (Unity of Italy Square)
  • Molo Audace (Audace Pier)
  • San Sabba Rice Mill National Monument and Museum
  • Revoltella Museum
  • San Giovanni Park and Rose Garden
  • Miramare Castle
  • Victory Lighthouse


Visit the Discover Trieste for more information on traveling to this charming city!