Please read carefully before submitting your abstract.

At the time of regular abstract submission, attendees submitting abstracts must indicate the format in which they would prefer to present their abstracts at the Annual Meeting. Read the presentation options BEFORE moving forward with your abstract submission.

I. Symp Select  and Workshop Select Speaker
One additional speaker will be added to each symposium as a Symp Select speaker and to each workshop as a Workshop Select speaker. If you are a principal investigator, you will have the option of choosing Symp Select or Workshop Select from the list of sessions when submitting your abstract. Symp Select and Workshop Select speakers will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. 

To ensure diversity in the scientific program, Symp Select and Workshop Select speakers are precluded from speaking in a symposium, workshop, or Subgroup symposium for the next two annual meetings.

II. Platform Presenters can also Present a Poster
Platform presentations will be chosen from among the abstracts submitted that have indicated an interest in being considered for a platform session. Platform sessions are competitive due to demand and space limitations, only 30% of those requesting a speaking slot are selected for platform session presentations. The Program Committee will select seven abstracts to be presented per platform session in addition to three flash talks. Abstracts accepted for platform presentations will be organized into parallel sessions, running concurrently with symposia, Sunday - Wednesday. The seven speakers in these sessions will each be allotted 15 minutes for presentation. Abstracts not selected for platform presentation will be considered for a flash talk and whether or not selected for a flash talk, scheduled in a poster session.

If you select a platform presentation option and are programmed as a platform talk, you can also select the option to present this work as a poster. This will allow for further discussion and feedback from attendees. Should you choose to present a poster, please be advised that BPS cannot guarantee the order in which the platform talk and poster presentation will occur.

To ensure diversity in the scientific program, presenters who have spoken in a platform session at the previous Annual Meeting will not be selected to speak in a platform session during the current year.

III. Five-Minute Flash Talks
Each platform will have seven Platform talks with three flash talks (5 minutes each).Flash talks will be scheduled in the last speaking slot and  Flash talk presenters must also present this work in a poster session. If you are selected for a flash talk, please be advised that BPS cannot guarantee the order in which the flash talk and poster presentation will occur.

IV. Poster only
More than 600 posters will be scheduled each day of the meeting.